Charities & Awards

Philanthropic Pharma

They are a team of entrepreneurial minds and biologists, driven by an innovative vision to approach human disease treatment through a non-profit entity. At Philanthropic Pharma, they uphold the belief that health care is an essential right and technologies that support this aim should not be monetized for personal gain.


Eagle Scout Award: Boy Scouts of America

The Eagle Scout Award is the pinnacle of achievement within the Boy Scouts of America. David achieved this esteemed rank by demonstrating exceptional leadership, service, and outdoor skills. To earn this award, he completed an extensive community service project and earned a wide range of merit badges. Holding the title for life, he embodies the commitment to the Scout's Oath and Law, community service, and personal excellence.


CSUPERB Industry Partnership

David is associated with the CSUPERB Industry Partnership, a program aimed at developing biotechnology professionals through collaborative research and educational initiatives. It offers various grants and opportunities, including the Glenn Nagel Award and Howell-CSUPERB Research Scholars Program, to support students and faculty across CSU campuses in their biotechnological pursuits.


Prevent Cancer Foundation

The Prevent Cancer Foundation funds research and fellowships for cancer prevention and early detection. David Stachura is a recipient of a fellowship, recognizing his contribution to innovative research aimed at reducing cancer deaths, as part of the Foundation's commitment to making substantial impacts in cancer prevention and early detection.


Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Award

The Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Award is a prestigious grant for advanced research instrumentation. While specific details about David Stachura's fellowship are unavailable, being a recipient suggests his significant involvement in research requiring sophisticated equipment. For more accurate information, consult the National Science Foundation or related academic resources.

Contact David Stachura
©2024 by David Stachura